Presenter Guidelines
Presentation Format
Paper presentations (20 minutes)
Workshops (30 minutes)
Presentation time stated is inclusive of 5-minute Q & A. Be concise and precise.
The presentations may be oriented towards research, pedagogy or best practices.
Presentation rooms are equipped with LCD projector with HDMI ports. If using Apple devices, you will need to bring your own converters.
Full Paper Submission & Publication in e-Proceedings
Submit your full paper for review and publication in the conference e-proceedings (e-ISSN 3009-0504). The e-proceedings can be accessed at the PELLTA website
Kindly follow the following specifications.
Full paper submission deadline: 4 Sept. 2023
Email full papers to
Abstract Submission
Type your abstract using the abstract template and save it as a Word file.
Submit your abstract by clicking the 'Submit Abstract' button below.
You will be asked to upload your abstract during the submission process.
Notification of the acceptance of your abstract will be sent via email to you.
Pay the conference fee and register as a presenter to confirm your presentation slot.
*Click here for registration and payment details.
Abstract submission deadline: 15 June 2023 (extended deadline: 30 June 2023)
Acceptance notification: 30 June 2023 (for submissions up to 15 June)
15 July 2023 (for submissions after 15 June)